You don’t need another trendy diet!

You need a system!

Your Personal Path to a Healthy Weight

New Year's

Resolutions PLANS

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and 3 months MAPS membership

Just $27*

*limited time offer

What is MAPS?

MAPS is a health, wellness and weight loss community focused on providing the tools and support you need to attain a healthy weight and design a healthier life.

These four strategies are central to our system.  When used together they provide a compass for long-term weight loss success.


No matter where you are on your journey, being ready and having the right mindset to lose weight, will help you succeed.


Accountability is a powerful tool to keep you on track to reach your goals, even when you lack will power or motivation. 


Developing a weight loss plan helps avoid bad habits and increases your likelihood of success. 


You are not alone. Our supportive weight loss guides provide advice and direction without pressure or guilt.

Our Unique Approach

We believe that most people already know what they need to do to lose weight. It’s not a lack of knowledge that holds us back, but lack of a clear and easy plan and the support to take action. That’s where we come in.

Our sensible approach to healthy eating is complemented by a simple system and ongoing support at all levels.

MAPS Plan:

Our flagship plan welcomes all members for our weekly zoom call that incorporates Mindset, Accountability, Planning and Support PLUS a monthly printed journal/tracker mailed to your home, online and downloadable trackers and much more.

GPS plan:

Group Planning & Support: next level support in a small group coaching program with weekly deep-dive discussions, virtual weigh-in, goals & planning and peer accountability PLUS monthly motivation gift box mailed to your home to keep you on track with your goals.

Concierge Service:

A personal weekly one-on-one coaching session with your certified health and nutrition, and goals success coach provides highly personalized guidance customized for your unique goals and needs PLUS a deluxe monthly gift box with motivation goodies and printed materials. 

How it Works

What Can I Eat?

Simple Plans


Your journey starts now...

Join us today and see how MAPS can guide you to create a new health-focused lifestyle and finally achieve your healthy weight goals!

No reproduction without prior written permission. | The content of this website is provided for informative purposes and should not be substituted for medical advice. Information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (unless cited)., the MAPS lifestyle, and any recommendations provided by MAPS representatives & affiliates are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We recommend any individual embarking on a change in diet or starting a new weight loss plan consult with their personal healthcare provider.